Writer/director (and Chicago native) Minhal Baig’s newest film centers around Malik and Eric, two young kids going through the things young kids go through, with the added complications of life in the Cabrini Green housing projects of the ‘90s. Robert Daniels (another Chicagoan) is here to help us talk through it. Then, a Hall of Excellence update and a Hotline letter that inspires a plethora of short film recommendations!

What’s Good
Alonso - Support socks
Drea - Bentonville lineup announced
Robert - belated birthday dinner at Italian Village
Ify - big wooden sword


  1. Jennifer Aniston Producing a 9 to 5 Remake
  2. Messi is Getting His Own TV Show to Premiere at Cannes
  3. Hollywood Sacrificing Massive Profits through Racial Inequality

Cruising Electric (1980)

Yearbook short 

Staff Picks

Drea - I Saw the TV Glow
Alonso - Our Song
Robert - Mr. Thank You
Ify - The Great Debaters

Get your Physical Media Sign for tapping! Art by Producer Marissa…tap at will!

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Drea Clark
Alonso Duralde
Ify Nwadiwe

Produced by Marissa Flaxbart
Sr. Producer Laura Swisher